Friday, November 28, 2014

The Lifestyle Blogger Tag

Most popular tags for this image include: apple, macbook, love and home
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When did you start blogging and what made you start?

I started blogging I think in 2013. It was a friend of mine who introduced me to Blogger, and it's not until this year that I knew blogging is such a big community.

How did you come up with your blog’s name?

I don't know lol I was just trying to be creative and made up something unique. Then colorsinmybubble came up out of nowhere. It's kind of cheesy now that I think about it.

Who is your favorite lifestyle blogger?

Hm.. Zoella, A Little Opulent, Sailboat, and a lot more haha I can't really choose. They are all such great, inspiring bloggers.

Where do you get your inspirations for posts from?

Youtube, Pinterest, and sometimes I just ask my friends about some blogpost ideas.

What was your first blog post about?

It was about a DIY Rave Bra that I made for EDC New York 2013.

What are you favorite things to write about?

Life, advice, things that have been on my mine and cannot wait to get out, and short stories.

What advice would you give to a lifestyle blogger who’s just starting out?

Just enjoy blogging like it's a hobby and something that you love to do. Don't focus on the numbers, focus on your content and freeing yourself from the world by writing and creating amazing stories.

Is there anything you wish you could change about your blog?

No :)

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Sunday, November 16, 2014

November Goals

I've realized that I need to change. I am not saying I want to change myself to become somebody else because that's just absurd. Honestly, I want to be a better individual, a better human being. This has nothing to do with physical appearance or outer beauty. Everybody has different perspectives of what beautiful should be like. Some people might think you're beautiful and some might think that you're the ugliest human being on earth. It does not matter what they think because the most important thing is the way you see yourself. Our society is pretty much insatiable, and there's nothing we can do to stop it. That is why we should just focus on ourselves and stop worrying about pleasing other people because there are infinite numbers of rules and criteria and opinions to fulfill if we try to indulge this cruel society of ours.

How can I be a better individual if I am surrounded by such atrocious creatures who won't stop bringing me down ?
first aid of the soul
First Aid for The Soul by: Sonya V. Timsley
Love, Respect, and Value Myself
I have come to a realization that I have been treating myself so badly by letting people influence me in every aspect I do in life. A single critic would bring me down, the littlest compliment would bring me up. My mood depends on other people, and that's just unacceptable. I need to stop letting these people get the worst in me.
  • I want to love myself enough to appreciate what I have, to be happy, and to stop comparing myself to others.
  • I want to respect myself enough to stop over-thinking about the critics and negative comments from others.
  • I want to value myself enough to realize that I am valuable and I am good enough no matter what others think.
So many people are depressed and having anxiety problems because of our society. Young, innocent girls kill themselves because people call them ugly. We can't stop the society to act that way, but we can convince ourselves to keep going and don't give up.

"You are worth so much more
than you give yourself credit for, you are beautiful, you are lovely, you are brilliant, you are fearless, and somewhere somehow , someone loves you, you just need to open your eyes and see the world the way it is supposed to be. ♥"

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Forget to Live

I was dying
First, I was dying to finish high school and start college;
And then I was dying to finish college and start working.
And then I was dying to marry and have children.
And then I was dying for my children to grow old enough 
for school so I could return to work.
And then I was dying to retire.
And now, I am dying... and suddenly I realize I forgot to live.

Submitted by Nicole Zablocki

I was scrolling down my Instagram feed when I saw a picture of a poem that my friend posted. To be honest, I was stunned for a moment trying to taste every word and swallow it one by one, then I knew that this is the most honest mistake every human being tend to make. We forget to live. We are too busy being stressed out and being overwhelmed about something that would not matter 5 years from now. I think people spent probably 75 percent of their life time putting pressures on themselves. It's heart-breaking to see a lot of people regretting the choices they have made in their past lives, and wishing they could have done it all over again. 

I'd rather make a lot of mistakes than trying so hard to avoid them. I don't want to be an eighty year old lady who spent her whole life doing nothing because she is too scared of failures. Mistakes is unavoidable, we all make mistakes, we learn from them, they are a part of us. Without them, we are nothing. I am not saying you should do drugs, sell ecstasy and cocaine then steal from people. We all have boundaries, and we need to figure it all out which one to do and which one to leave behind. It's all common sense. We know what is right and what is wrong. All I'm trying to say is have fun, live your life, enjoy your youth because you won't get it back once you reach that stage where you have a family that you need to take care of. 

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I spent too much time being afraid of deciding, choosing, and escaping. I used to let other people make the choices for me because I cannot stand up for myself, I am too frightened with what life has in store for me. My mom was my sidekick, I discussed everything with her and told her to just decide everything for me. But one day she told me, "I won't always be here for you, you know? There will be one day when you have to do everything on your own." That point on, I realized that she is right, I don't want to be a coward who always live under her shell wishing that she would protect me till my death. Realistically speaking, that was preposterous of me to even think that I can hide my whole life from the real world. I keep telling myself even until now, "I own myself, I make the choices and the decisions, I'm the one who knows what I'm capable of and what I'm disable of, I know me best. I may ask other people for opinions and advice, but at the end, I'll be the one to decide because there is no one else who knows me better than I know myself." That's how I got through everything on my own, when I make choices for myself, I won't regret a thing because I know that at that moment, it was the best choice for me.

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